It is a fact that Deer Fencing Suffolk County & Nassau County can be a nuisance. Especially if you live on the east end of Long Island or near a natural environment. While deer are beautiful and majestic animals, they can be a nuisance to many homes, farms and gardens. If you want to protect your home from hungry deer, a deer fence may be the answer to your problems. A deer fence can help to
The deer population on Long Island has increased greatly over the last several years.
And while deer are forced out of their natural environments they are forced to look to other areas for food. Deer particularly love tulips, columbine, pansies, violas, buttercups, lilies, hydrangeas, azaleas, rhododendron, hybrid roses and even holly! They also will eat your blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. And, their food preferences do not stop at flowers and fruit; they love the blossoms on many trees including Magnolia and Japanese Flowering Maple. So how do you protect your property? Have a deer fence installed! Deer fencing is safe and humane way to control deer and protect your property from these adorable pests!
At Exclusive Fence, we have a large inventory of deer fence products to protect your property.